Global trends in insufficient physical activity among adolescents
A pooled analysis of 298 population-based surveys with 1.6 million participants
Background: Physical activity has many health benefits for young people. In 2018, WHO launched More Active People for a Healthier World, a new global action on physical activity, including new…
Worldwide trends in insufficient physical activity from 2001 to 2016
A pooled analysis of 358 population-based surveys with 1.9 million participants
Insufficient physical activity is a leading risk factor for non-communicable diseases, and has a negative effect on mental health and quality of life. This article describes levels of insufficient physical…
Global physical activity levels
Surveillance progress, pitfalls, and prospects
Dit artikel beschrijft het vóórkomen van fysieke activiteit en inactiviteit voor volwassenen (vanaf 15 jaar) uit 122 landen (89% van de wereldbevolking). Wereldwijd is 31.1% van de volwassenen fysiek inactief,…