Environmental interventions in low-SES neighbourhoods to promote healthy behaviour
Enhancing and impeding factors
Background: Social and physical environments are important drivers of socioeconomic inequalities in health behaviour. Although many interventions aiming to improve such environments are being implemented in underprivileged neighbourhoods, implementation processes…
The impact of area-based initiatives on physical activity trends in deprived areas
A quasi-experimental evaluation of the Dutch District Approach
Background: Numerous area-based initiatives (ABIs) have been implemented in deprived neighbourhoods across Europe. These large-scale initiatives aim to tackle the socio-economic and environmental problems in these areas that might influence…
Social neighborhood environment and sport participation among Dutch adults
Does sports location matter?
Studies on the relation between the social neighborhood environment and sports participation have produced inconsistent results. Use of generic sports outcomes may have obscured associations only apparent for sports at…
Maatschappij als medicijn
Tekst van de oratie van prof. Dr. Karien Stronks
Er dient een koerswijziging plaats te vinden om de volksgezondheid te verbeteren. Preventie moet maatschappelijke oorzaken van slechte gezondheid als geringe opleiding, ongeletterdheid, armoede, verkeer en beschikbaarheid van voeding aanpakken.…