Five-year cost-effectiveness analysis of the European Fans in Training (EuroFIT) physical activity intervention for men versus no intervention
Objectives: Increasing physical activity reduces the risk of chronic illness including Type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease and certain types of cancer. Lifestyle interventions can increase physical activity but few successfully…
The effect of a programme to improve men’s sedentary time and physical activity
The European fans in training (EuroFIT) randomised controlled trial
This paper investigates the effectiveness of the European Fans in Training (EuroFIT) programme to improve physical activity and sedentary time in male football fans, delivered through the professional football setting.
Lifestyle counselling intervention to prevent gestational diabetes mellitus
The development and evaluation of a motivational interviewing lifestyle intervention among overweight and obese pregnant women across nine European countries
Dit proefschrift beschrijft de ontwikkeling en evaluatie van de DALI leefstijlinterventie ter preventie van zwangerschapsdiabetes onder Europese vrouwen met overgewicht of obesitas. DALI is een acroniem voor vitamime D en…