Sports participation and health-related quality of life in children
Results of a cross-sectional study
This article shows that membership of a sports club, moderate/high frequency of sports participation, and performing outdoor sports were related to a more favourable health-related quality of life (physical domain)…
Characteristics of sports participation and psychosocial health in children
Results of a cross-sectional study, version of record
Several studies suggest that sports participation is beneficial for psychosocial health. There is, however, only a limited number of studies about the relationship of specific characteristics of sports participation with…
Bewegen en bewogen worden
Over interventies en onderzoek in de psychomotorische therapie
Lectorale rede bij de aanvaarding van het lectoraat Bewegen, Gezondheid en Welzijn aan de Christelijke Hogeschool Windesheim te Zwolle op vrijdag 29 november 2013. Deze lectorale rede gaat in op…