Determinanten van fysieke activiteit
Paper 4
In dit hoofdstuk komen de (psychologische) factoren aan bod die kunnen verklaren waarom sommige mensen wel fysiek actief zijn en andere niet. De reden waarom het belangrijk is om zicht…
Interventions for promoting physical activity among European teenagers
A systematic review
Main findings of the review were: school-based interventions generally lead to short term improvements in physical activity levels; improvements in physical activity levels by school-based interventions were limited to school…
Individual and environmental correlates of objectively measured sedentary time in Dutch and Belgian adults
As the detrimental health effects of sedentary behaviour are well established, insight into the individual and environmental factors that influence adults' sedentary behaviour is needed. Most studies to date rely…
Good practice characteristics of diet and physical activity interventions and policies
An umbrella review
De auteurs hebben op basis van een systematische review een overzicht gemaakt van factoren die belangrijk zijn voor goede principes op het gebied van voedings- en bewegingsinterventies- en beleid. De…
Parents and friends both matter
Simultaneous and interactive influences of parents and friends on European schoolchildren's energy balance-related behaviours, the energy cross-sectional study
Background: The family, and parents in particular, are considered the most important influencers regarding children's energy-balance related behaviours (EBRBs). When children become older and gain more behavioural autonomy regarding different…
Meer en beter bewegen
Binnen en buiten de school
Deze handleiding om beweging te promoten bij kinderen van de lagere school werd geschreven in opdracht van het Steunpunt Sport, Beweging en Gezondheid in Vlaanderen, wat wordt gevormd door een…
Relationship between the physical environment and physical activity in older adults
A systematic review
Previous reviews on children, adolescents and adults have reported consistent relationships between several physical environmental characteristics and physical activity (PA). This systematic review aims to provide a comprehensive overview of…
Differences in weight status and energy-balance related behaviors among schoolchildren across Europe
The ENERGY-Project
Background: Current data on the prevalence of overweight and energy-balance behaviors among European children is necessary to inform overweight prevention interventions. Methodology/Principal Findings: A school-based survey among 10-12 year old…
Active living neighborhoods
Is neighborhood walkability a key element for Belgian adolescents?
Background: In adult research, neighborhood walkability has been acknowledged as an important construct among the built environmental correlates of physical activity. Research into this association has only recently been extended…
What do parents think about parental participation in school-based interventions on energy balance-related behaviours?
A qualitative study in 4 countries
Seventeen focus group interviews were conducted with a total of 92 parents (12 men, 80 women). Physical activity was considered to be a joint responsibility of school and parents, nutrition…