The effect of standing versus sitting on creativity in adolescents - a crossover randomized trial: the PHIT2LEARN study
Creativity is important for school performance. As several brain mechanisms involved in creativity are stimulated by low-intensity physical activity, standing might influence creativity. Few studies on the relationship between standing…
School-based physical activity interventions: which intervention characteristics are associated with participation and retention? A meta-analysis
Objective Many school-based intervention studies are conducted to increase students' physical activity (PA). Recruitment and retention problems potentially impact the robustness of RCT findings. The researchers conducted a meta-analysis to…
Differences in habitual physical activity behavior between students from different vocational education tracks and the association with cognitive performance
Vocational education and training (VET) educates students for a broad range of occupations, which may be associated with differences in habitual physical activity behavior (PAB). Research suggests that physical activity…
De effecten en kosten van de Gezonde Basisschool van de Toekomst
Doel: Onderzoeken wat het effect is van leefstijlinterventies op school bij jonge kinderen in het programma ‘Gezonde Basisschool van de Toekomst’. Opzet: Prospectieve, gecontroleerde, niet-gerandomiseerde studie. Methode: Op 4 basisscholen…
Qualitative study of the feasibility and acceptability of implementing ‘sit-to-stand’ desks in vocational education and training
While it has been shown that interrupting a person’s sedentary behaviour has the potential to improve cognitive, physical and mental health, a large part of time that students spend in…
Which is more important for cardiometabolic health: sedentary time, higher intensity physical activity or cardiorespiratory fitness? The Maastricht Study
Aim of the research was to examine the independent and combined (cross-sectional) associations of sedentary time, higher intensity physical activity and cardiorespiratory fitness with metabolic syndrome and diabetes status.
Breaking sitting with light activities vs structured exercise
A randomised crossover study demonstrating benefits for glycaemic control and insulin sensitivity in type 2 diabetes
Aims/hypothesis: We aimed to examine the effects of breaking sitting with standing and light-intensity walking vs an energy-matched bout of structured exercise on 24 h glucose levels and insulin resistance…
Physical activity and sedentary behavior in metabolically healthy versus unhealthy obese and non-obese individuals
The Maastricht study
Background: Both obesity and the metabolic syndrome are associated with increased risk of cardiovascular diseases and type 2 diabetes. Although both frequently occur together in the same individual, obesity and…
Associations of total amount and patterns of sedentary behaviour with type 2 diabetes and the metabolic syndrome
The Maastricht study
Aims/hypothesis: The study investigated cross-sectional associations of total amount and patterns of sedentary behaviour with glucose metabolism status and the metabolic syndrome. Methods: We included 2,497 participants (mean age 60.0…
Minimal intensity physical activity (standing and walking) of longer duration improves insulin action and plasma lipids more than shorter periods of moderate to vigorous exercise (cycling) in sedentary subjects when energy expenditure is comparable
Deze interventiestudie onderzocht welk activiteitenpatroon gunstiger is voor de voorspellers van diabetes type II en hart- en vaatziekten: 1) lang zitten in combinatie met kortdurend intensief bewegen (sporten) of 2)…