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Interventions for promoting physical activity among European teenagers

A systematic review

Main findings of the review were: school-based interventions generally lead to short term improvements in physical activity levels; improvements in physical activity levels by school-based interventions were limited to school…

Lang stilzitten: dé uitdaging van de 21ste eeuw

Factsheet sedentair gedrag

De gezondheidsrisico’s van lang ononderbroken zitten waren tot voor kort minder bekend. Het VIGeZ heeft de beschikbare kennis voor kleuters (3 tot 6 jaar), kinderen (6 tot 12 jaar), jongeren…

Lang stilzitten: dé uitdaging van de 21ste eeuw

Syntheserapport met onderbouwing voor de factsheet sedentair gedrag

Dit rapport is bedoeld voor iedereen die direct of indirect met gezondheidsbevordering bezig is, zowel (Vlaamse) beleidsmakers praktijkwerkers (bijvoorbeeld (huis)artsen, opgeleide gezondheidscoaches, preventieadviseurs, leerkrachten, welzijns- en gezondheidsambtenaren). De focus ligt…

Relationship between the physical environment and physical activity in older adults

A systematic review

Previous reviews on children, adolescents and adults have reported consistent relationships between several physical environmental characteristics and physical activity (PA). This systematic review aims to provide a comprehensive overview of…

Active living neighborhoods

Is neighborhood walkability a key element for Belgian adolescents?

Background: In adult research, neighborhood walkability has been acknowledged as an important construct among the built environmental correlates of physical activity. Research into this association has only recently been extended…