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Movement behavior patterns in people with first-ever stroke

The majority of people with stroke are inactive and sedentary. Three different movement behavior patterns were identified: sedentary exercisers, sedentary movers, and sedentary prolongers. The identified movement behavior patterns confirm…

Sporting programs aimed at inactive population groups in the Netherlands: factors influencing their long-term sustainability in the organized sports setting

The organized sports sector has received increased interest as a setting to stimulate physical activity among inactive target groups. To include many inactive people and to obtain population health benefits,…

Characteristics of insufficiently active participants that benefit from health-enhancing physical activity (HEPA) promotion programs implemented in the sports club setting

Health-enhancing physical activity (HEPA) promotion programs are implemented in sports clubs. The purpose of this study is to examine the characteristics of the insufficiently active participants that benefit from these…

The Start2Bike program is effective in increasing health-enhancing physical activity

The sports club is seen as a new relevant setting to promote health-enhancing physical activity (HEPA) among inactive population groups. Little is known about the effectiveness of strategies and activities…

Effectiveness of Start to Run, a 6-week training program for novice runners, on increasing health-enhancing physical activity: a controlled study

The use of the organized sports sector as a setting for health-promotion is a relatively new strategy. In the past few years, different countries have been investing resources in the…

Collaboration of general practitioners and exercise providers in promotion of physical activity

General practitioners have an ideal position to motivate inactive patients to increase their physical activity. Most patients are able to exercise in regular local facilities outside the health care setting.…

Aanvullende NASB sportprojecten

In het kader van het Nationaal Actieplan Sport en Bewegen (NASB), setting sport zijn veertien laagdrempelige sportprojecten ontwikkeld en geïmplementeerd in de periode 2008-juni 2011 om de minder actieve Nederlander…

Sporting programs for inactive population groups

Background: The organized sports sector has received increased attention as a setting to promote health-enhancing physical activity (HEPA) to the general population. For significant public health impact, it is important…

Denken en doen: bridgend de eenzaamheid te lijf

In het hier beschreven onderzoek is gekeken in hoeverre eenzaamheid van ouderen verandert tijdens en na deelname aan het bridgeproject ‘Denken en Doen’. Hiervoor zijn op drie momenten vragen gesteld…

Evaluatie programma Effectief Actief

Dit onderzoek betreft een jaarlijkse evaluatie van het programma Effectief Actief van het Nederlands Instituut voor Sport en Bewegen (NISB) dat liep van augustus 2011 tot en met december 2014.…