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Mechanisms and contextual factors related to key elements of a successful integrated community-based approach aimed at reducing socioeconomic health inequalities in the Netherlands: a realist evaluation perspective

Reducing health inequalities is a challenge for policymakers and civil society. A multisectoral and multilevel approach is most promising to reduce those inequalities. Previous research showed what key elements of…

A theoretical perspective on why socioeconomic health inequalities are persistent: building the case for an effective approach

Despite policy intentions and many interventions aimed at reducing socioeconomic health inequalities in recent decades in the Netherlands and other affluent countries, these inequalities have not been reduced. Based on…

Involving children in creating a healthy environment in low socioeconomic position (SEP) neighborhoods in the Netherlands: a participatory action research (PAR) project

To ensure that health behavior interventions for children living in low socioeconomic position (SEP) neighborhoods are in line with children’s wishes and needs, participation of the children in the development,…

Negen kernelementen die volgens betrokken professionals bijdragen aan het succes van Zwolle Gezonde Stad

In dit onderzoek zijn negen kernelementen geïdentificeerd die volgens de betrokken professionals hebben bijgedragen aan het succes van Zwolle Gezonde Stad, een integrale aanpak gericht op het verkleinen van SEGV.…

A longitudinal study of children's outside play using family environment and perceived physical environment as predictors

Background: A natural and cheap way of increasing children's physical activity is stimulating unstructured outside play. This study examined whether characteristics of the family and perceived physical environment were associated…

Design of CIAO, a research program to support the development of an integrated approach to prevent overweight and obesity in the Netherlands

Background: The aim of this paper is to describe the research aims, concepts and methods of the research Consortium Integrated Approach of Overweight (CIAO). CIAO is a concerted action of…

The Terneuzen birth cohort

Background: Complications of overweight amplify with age, and irreversible damage already exists in young persons. Identifying the most sensitive age interval s) for adult overweight is relevant for primary prevention.…

The prevention of overweight and obesity in children and adolescents

Overweight and obesity are serious, large-scale, global, public health concerns requiring population-based childhood overweight and obesity prevention. The overall objective of this review is to identify aspects of successful childhood…

Overgewicht bij kinderen

De prevalentie van overgewicht en obesitas neemt toe. In dit artikel wordt gepleit voor een betrouwbare signalering, maar vooral voor een effectief preventie en behandelplan. Een krachtige aanpak vooral bij…

Overbruggingsplan voor kinderen met overgewicht

Deze publicatie beschrijft een interventie die door de jeugdgezondheidszorg kan worden uitgevoerd. Centraal in deze interventie staat het BOFT-principe. BOFT bevat de volgende onderdelen: Stimuleren van het geven van Borstvoeding…