School-based physical activity interventions: which intervention characteristics are associated with participation and retention? A meta-analysis
Objective Many school-based intervention studies are conducted to increase students' physical activity (PA). Recruitment and retention problems potentially impact the robustness of RCT findings. The researchers conducted a meta-analysis to…
Measurement and promotion of physical activity
Evaluation of activity monitors and a multidisciplinary lifestyle intervention in primary care
Sufficient physical activity is essential for cardio-metabolic health and quality of life. Inactivity and sedentary behaviour seem to be tied inseparably to our current way of living. Promotion of physical…
Blijven bewegen na de BeweegKuur
De rol van groen in de woonomgeving
De BeweegKuur is een leefstijlinterventie die beoogt blijvend gezonder voedings- en beweeggedrag te realiseren. Qua beweging is het de bedoeling dat de deelnemers op het eind van de BeweegKuur uitstromen…
Effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of 'BeweegKuur'
A combined lifestyle intervention in the Netherlands, rationale, design and methods of a randomized controlled trial
Improving the lifestyle of overweight and obese adults is of increasing interest in view of its role in several chronic diseases. Interventions aiming at overweight or weight-related chronic diseases suffer…