Health promoting sports federations: theoretical foundations and guidelines
Background Researchers and policy-makers have highlighted that the potential for organized sports to promote health has been underexploited. Sports clubs have limited capacity to promote health due to their voluntary…
Inclusive, sustainable, welcoming national sports federations
Health promoting sports federation implementation guidance
National sports federations (NSFs) are committed to health promotion, supporting the development of sport worldwide and emphasizing its physical, mental and social benefits. They are increasingly present in sport for…
Functions of sports clubs in European societies
A cross-national comparative study
This book takes a closer look at the societal functions of sports clubs by using the broad range of empirical data of a comparative study. There is a limited amount…
Democratic participation in voluntary associations
A multilevel analysis of sport clubs in Europe
Non-profit associations are usually democratically organized, and this feature plays a legitimizing role for the public support to associations. This article examines which characteristics at country level, organizational level and…
Explaining similarities and differences between European sports clubs
An overview of the main similarities and differences between sports clubs in ten European countries and the potential explanations
This report sets out to disseminate the most central information from the European research project ‘Social Inclusion and Volunteering in Sports Clubs in Europe’ (SIVSCE). More specifically, the report has…
Social inclusion and volunteering in sports clubs in Europe
Introduction to the project
This publication is an introduction to the project Social Inclusion and Volunteering in Sports Clubs in Europe (SIVSCE). The idea to build up a European research project on sports clubs…
Sports club policies in Europe
A comparison of the public policy context and historical origins of sports clubs across ten European countries
The project, 'Social Inclusion and Volunteering in Sports Clubs in Europe' (SIVSCE), is a collaborative partnership co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union. The project has been, and…
Sport and welfare policy in Denmark
The development of sport between state, market and community
Rapport over sport- en welvaartsbeleid in Denemarken. Gekeken is naar de ontwikkeling van sport tussen staat, markt en samenleving.