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Er zijn 3 resultaten gevonden.
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A systematic review of the use and reporting of evaluation frameworks within evaluations of physical activity interventions

Objectives of this review: to identify whether evaluation frameworks are reported to have been used within evaluation studies of physical activity interventions, and which frameworks have been used; to appraise…

The health benefits of the great outdoors

A systematic review and meta-analysis of greenspace exposure and health outcomes

Although much evidence suggests greenspace exposure is beneficial for health, there exists no systematic review and meta-analysis to synthesise and quantify the impact of greenspace on a wide range of…

Is there evidence that walking groups have health benefits?

A systematic review and meta-analysis

Uit deze review blijkt dat wandelgroepen over het algemeen gezond, laagdrempelig en veilig zijn. Ook constateerden de auteurs dat het aantal afhakers klein is.