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Er zijn 15 resultaten gevonden.
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Results from the Netherlands' 2018 Report Card and Report Card+ on physical activity for children and youth with and without chronic medical condition

Highlights The Netherlands' youth scores well on (organized) participation in sports and active transport to and from school. However, they do not participate enough in overall physical activity. Outdoor play…

Is sportdeelname genoeg?

De Active Healthy Kids the Netherlands (AHKN) Physical Activity Report Card en de Report Card+ geven inzicht in de landelijke prestaties van het beweeg-, sedentair-, en slaapgedrag van zowel gezonde…

Sports participation, physical activity, and health-related fitness in youth with chronic diseases or physical disabilities

Youth with chronic diseases or physical disabilities (CDPD) often show reduced fitness and physical activity (PA) levels and participate less in organized sports compared with healthy peers. The purpose of…

Results from the Netherlands’ 2018 report card on physical activity for children and youth

The purpose of this paper is to summarize the results of the Netherlands' 2018 Report Card. The Report Card included the 10 core physical activity indicators that are common to…

Eerste Nederlandse beweegrapport

In Amerika bestaat de traditie om jaarlijks een ‘schoolrapport’ te maken van het beweeg- en sedentair gedrag (ofwel: zitgedrag) van jeugd. Zo’n Physical Activity Report Card brengt ook de factoren…

The 2017 Dutch physical activity guidelines

Background The objective of this study was to derive evidence-based physical activity guidelines for the general Dutch population. Methods Two systematic reviews were conducted of English language meta-analyses in PubMed…

Een beweegvriendelijke omgeving: ook het pakkie-an van de dokter

Voldoende beweging is belangrijk voor de gezondheid van de Nederlandse bevolking. Het overgrote deel van de Nederlandse bevolking, inclusief kinderen, haalt echter de huidige normen voor voldoende beweging niet. Dit…

(Un)limited possibilities?

The Report Card+ is a report about the national performance regarding physical activity, sedentary and sleep behavior of youth with a chronic condition or disability. In 2016, the first Dutch…

(On)begrensde mogelijkheden?

De Report Card+ is een rapport over de landelijke prestaties van het beweeg-, sedentair, en slaapgedrag van kinderen met een chronische aandoening of beperking. In 2016, is de eerste Nederlandse…

Is our youth cycling to health?

Background: The Active Healthy Kids the Netherlands (AHKN) Report Card consolidates and translates research and assesses how the Netherlands is being responsible in providing physical activity (PA) opportunities for children…