European journal for sport management
Special issue 1999, volunteers and professionals in sport organisations
Tijdschrift over sportmanagement in Europa.
Leisure management
Issues and applications
The World Leisure and Recreation Association (WLRA) held its fourth World Congress in Cardiff, Wales, in July 1996. The overall theme was 'Leisure and the Quality of Life In the…
Sport and social exclusion
Dit boek behandelt wat er wordt bedoeld met sociale uitsluiting, hoe sociale uitsluiting burgerrecht en de kans om te sporten beïnvloedt, hoe uitsluiting van sport in verband staat met bepaalde…
Leisure research
Current findings and the future challenge
This publication containts the following parts: papers from the panels commissioned programme; workshop reports on areas of possible new research; practitioners' view of research; other papers; additional papers.
Newsletter supplement
Sport in the community, the next ten years, problems and issues
This supplement includes three papers. In the first paper, Michael Collins presents his personal view of the recent history of strategic planning at regional levels and the often tenuous relationships…