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Een kwalitatief onderzoek naar de ervaringen van deelnemers aan X-Fittt 2.0

X-Fittt 2.0 is een tweejarige gecombineerde leefstijlinterventie (GLI) voor mensen met een lage sociaaleconomische status (SES), die start met 12 weken intensieve begeleiding, gevolgd door een laagintensief natraject. Het doel…

Sportprogramma's voor kwetsbare volwassenen

Stichting Life Goals biedt sportprogramma's voor kwetsbare volwassenen waarbij inclusiviteit voorop staat. Omdat veel gezondheidswinst valt te behalen onder de deelnemers, onderzocht Wageningen University and Research in hoeverre de sportprogramma's…

Eerste resultaten van Life Experience Through Sport

Stichting Life Goals biedt sportprogramma's voor kwetsbare volwassenen die moeite hebben om actief mee de doen in onze maatschappij (bijv. daklozen, verslaafden). Met het 4-jarige project Life Experience Through Sport…

Citizen preferences regarding the public funding of projects promoting a healthy body weight among people with a low income

Highlights: Citizens mostly prefer projects that increase healthy lifestyle accessibility. Citizens least prefer publicly funded bariatric surgery for people with low incomes. Citizens with low incomes spent less of the…

Effective elements of care-physical activity initiatives for adults with a low socioeconomic status

In care-physical activity (care-PA) initiatives, primary care and sports are combined to stimulate PA among adults at risk of lifestyle related diseases. Preliminary results from Dutch care-PA initiatives for adults…

Associations between partnership characteristics and perceived success in Dutch sport-for-health partnerships

Highlights: Challenges of conducting quantitative research on sport-for-health partnerships are shown. Conceptual model for exploring relations partnership elements and partnership success. Different partnership success indicators are related with different partnership…

Examining the relationship between sports participation and youth developmental outcomes for socially vulnerable youth

Background: Research has shown that sports participation is positively related to youth developmental outcomes, but it is still unknown if sports participation relates to these outcomes among socially vulnerable youth.…

How young adults reflect on the role of sport in their socially vulnerable childhood

Participation in sport has often been related to positive developmental outcomes for socially vulnerable youth. However, we know very little about the role of sports participation in a socially vulnerable…

A systematic review of life skill development through sports programs serving socially vulnerable youth

Purpose: Despite the strong belief in sports programs as a setting in which socially vulnerable youth can develop life skills, no overview exists of life skill development in sports programs…

Onderzoek Jeugd, Zorg en Sport

Wat betekent sportdeelname voor het toekomstperspectief van kwetsbare jongeren? Hoe geef je vorm aan een sportomgeving die kan bijdragen aan positieve sportervaringen? En wat is nodig voor een succesvolle samenwerking…