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Associations between physical activity and depressive symptoms in women

  • Auteurs: Megan Teychenne , Kylie Ball , Jo Salmon
  • Type: Artikel in wetenschappelijk tijdschrift
  • Taal: Nederlands
  • Uitgever: Teychenne et al.
  • Collatie: International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity 2008, 5:27


Background: The high prevalence of depression in women is an increasing public health concern. Although studies have found associations between physical activity (PA) and depression, little is known about the optimal domain, dose and social context of PA for reducing the risk of depression. This study aimed to investigate associations between specific components of PA (domain, dose and social context) and odds of depressive symptoms in women. Conclusions: Acknowledging the cross-sectional design, these findings suggest that the domain and social context of PA may be more important for mental health among women than simply the total dose of PA.

Literatuurverwijzing: Teychenne, M., Ball, K., & Salmon, J. (2008). Associations between physical activity and depressive symptoms in women.