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The contribution of preschool playground factors in explaining children's physical activity during recess


Background: low levels of physical activity are characteristic in preschoolers. To effectively promote physical activity, it is necessary to understand factors that influence young children's physical activity. The present study aimed to investigate how physical activity levels are influenced by environmental factors during recess in preschool. Conclusion: In preschool children physical activity during outdoor play is associates with modifiable playground factors. Further study is recommended to evaluate if the provision of more play space, the promotion of continued activity by supervisors and the modification of playground characteristics can increase physical activity levels in preschoolers.

Literatuurverwijzing: Cardon, G., Cauwenberghe, E. van, Labarque, V., Haerens, L., & Bourdeaudhuij, I. de The contribution of preschool playground factors in explaining children's physical activity during recess.