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Surveillance and monitoring

  • Auteurs: J.R. Wilkinson , S. Walrond , Louisa Ells , Carolyn Summerbell
  • Type: Artikel in wetenschappelijk tijdschrift
  • Taal: Nederlands
  • Uitgever: North East Public Health Observatory, Wolfson Research Institute, Durham University Queen’s Campus, University Boulevard, Centre for Food, Physical Activity an
  • Plaats van uitgave: Stockton on Tees, Middlesbrough
  • Collatie: Obesity reviews (2007), 8 (Suppl. 1), 23-29


The UK Government has identified obesity as a priority area, as it is thought to present a serious public health problem. Although it is a highly complex multifactorial disease, it has been hypothesized that obesity, in particular morbid obesity, may decrease life by up to 9 years and significantly increase the risk of many other important diseases, e.g. diabetes, heart disease and some cancers. Furthermore, it has been estimated that if obesity continues to rise at the current rate, children could die earlier than their parents. A joint report from the Audit Commission, the Healthcare Commission and the National Audit Office estimated that the current cost of obesity to the National Health Service (NHS) in England stands at £1 billion, and that the cost to the UK economy is £2.3-2.6 billion in indirect costs. If this present trend continues, by 2010 the annual cost to the economy could be £3.6 billion a year. Obesity cannot be considered in solation from other lifestyle factors, in particular, physical exercise. Strategies for reducing obesity must therefore consider both sides of the energy equation.

Literatuurverwijzing: Wilkinson, J.R., Walrond, S., Ells, L.J., & Summerbell, C.D. (2007). Surveillance and monitoring.