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(Un)limited possibilities?

The physical activity report card+ on Dutch youth with a chronic condition or disability


The Report Card+ is a report about the national performance regarding physical activity, sedentary and sleep behavior of youth with a chronic condition or disability. In 2016, the first Dutch Report Card for typically developing was published. The Report Card+ is a similar report, in which the same methods are used. The results of this Report Card+ can be compared to the results of the Report Card (see page 58), but this report stands alone as well.

This report is intended for (health care) professionals and policy makers. A general Dutch short form of Report Card+ is available as-well and available at:

Literatuurverwijzing: Burghard, M., Jong, N. de, Vlieger, S., & Takken, T. (2017). (Un)limited possibilities?: the physical activity report card+ on Dutch youth with a chronic condition or disability. Utrecht: Active Healthy Kids the Netherlands, Kinderbewegingscentrum, Wilhelmina Kinderziekenhuis, UMC Utrecht.