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An EU-wide overview of community-based initiatives to reduce childhood obesity

Final report


In 2010, the European Commission called for a project to create an overview of European community-based initiatives (CBI's) that aim to reduce childhood obesity. This report presents the outcomes of this survey. Its target audience concerns policy makers at different levels, but also public health professionals involved in executing CBI's. The report therefore applies a practical approach. It presents results on obesity policy and CBI's in general, the degree of implementation and costs, the contents of CBI's, quality indicators, reported effectiveness of CBI's and practical experiences as reported by the CBI coordinators.

Literatuurverwijzing: Bemelmans, W.J.E., Verschuuren, M., Dale, D. van, Savelkoul, M., Wendel-Vos, G.C.W., & Raaij, J.J.A.M. van (2011). An EU-wide overview of community-based initiatives to reduce childhood obesity: final report. Bilthoven: RIVM.