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Physical literacy

The aim of this PhD is to develop a tool that tracks children’s physical literacy in primary school. Using this tool, we want to give children and parents appropriate exercise advice. This exercise advice should encourage children to exercise and sport regularly and enjoy doing so.Beweegwijsheid bestaat uit verschillenden aspecten die bijdragen aan een gezonde relatie met bewegen en sporten. Zoals de motivatie, het zelfvertrouwen en de vaardigheden om te bewegen, en de kennis en het begrip over het belang van bewegen.

About physical literacy

‘Physical literacy’ is already widely applied worldwide in, among others, movement education. In the Netherlands, there is no concrete application of this concept yet. Moreover, the emphasis in movement education is still often on children’s motor skills alone. With physical literacy, we can take a holistic look at the child’s movement and sports behaviour.

Exercise advice

The idea of exercise advice is that it becomes individual feedback from the PE class for parents/carers and the pupil. The different aspects of physical literacy are reflected in this, such as the activities or skills a child is good at, enjoys and is motivated for. Here, we want to focus on finding a suitable exercise activity or sport that a child can do in the neighbourhood.

Other PhD projects

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In this research project an integrated community-based approach promoting a healthy lifestyle and healthy weight in children and youth (JOGG) will be evaluated.

Survival chances sport clubs

The aim of this research is to identify factors that influence the probability for survival of sport clubs in the Netherlands.

Activating inactive citizens through the organized sports setting: a hurdle race

This research aims to determine whether and how National Sports Federations (NSFs) and sports clubs can successfully contribute to increasing physical activity levels among inactive people