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Physical activity in type 2 diabetes care

Physical activity is considered a ‘corner stone’ in type 2 diabetes care. However, physical activity counselling is not always easy. To gain a profound understanding of these difficulties and offer openings for change, Mirjam Stuij conducted several qualitative, narrative studies. These studies are mostly based on a close analysis of in-depth interviews and (participant) observations. They provided in-depth insights into:

  1. the policy and care context relevant to the organisation of physical activity care,
  2. experiences of people with type 2 diabetes and healthcare professionals with physical activity (care),
  3. openings for a further improvement of care by extended talking and walking practices.

Most of this work was conducted as part of the research project Sport in Times of Illness (2013-2018). This project was supported by NWO, the Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research, as part of their research programme Sport: Participation. The full dissertation can be found here.


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